"Anti-Bullying Shields" with Ms. Ocasio! The class had all week to create a shield that had four of their strongest skills either written or drawn!
StoryBoards in Room 204! Through read alouds and videos students learned about bullying and the difference between an upstander and a bystander!
Anti-Bullying with Mrs. Karabin! Mrs. Karabin's Kindergarten class created artistic posters expressing what anti-bullying means to them!
Anti-Bullying Week with Mrs. Gomez! For Anti-bullying week, the children in Mrs. Gomez's third grade class were asked to spread a message of kindness to the Union City community!
Anti-Bullying Week in Room 106! Mr. Bula's Pre-Kindergarten Class started their week of Anti Bullying by discussing how to be kind to a friend and one another!
Reading "Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon" in Room 208! Students were asked to create a 3-cell story board showing 3 different ways they can show kindness!
Anti-Bullying Week with Mrs. Renck! During the week of Anti-Bullying Mrs. Renck's first grade class learned about the different types of bullying and how to be an upstander and not a bystander!
TINKERCAD with Mr. Marcos Navas! Our young scientists will have the ability to create 3D models for projects, writing, and mathematical assignments!
#StayKindTogether in Room 205! They took a photo of the students who performed an act of kindness and did the hashtag stay kind together!
Ms. Hennessey's Kindergarten Class Reads "Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun!" They answered numerous questions for example, 'What does it mean to have courage and be who you are?"