Hudson Elementary School Home

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Reading Across America at the Hudson School

📚Enjoying Read Across America📚

Hudson Elementary School students got a tasty surprise during their Read Across America celebration—actual green eggs and ham! In honor of Dr. Seuss’s beloved book Green Eggs and Ham, the cafeteria served up the colorful breakfast, much to the delight (and curiosity) of students.
Math Night at the Hudson School

A Successful Math Night

The Hudson Elementary School's 2nd Annual Math Night was a huge success! 🎉 2nd and 3rd graders, along with their parents, had a blast practicing math skills through fun and engaging centers. 🧮✨ A special thank you to our amazing administration—Mrs. Medina, Principal Mr. Abdeljabbar, Assistant Principal, and Ms. Pena, Supervisor—for their support in making this event possible for our mathematicians! 👏👏

To Report Bullying

Stop Bullying
Please contact:
Shadi Abdeljabbar
Assistant Principal/HIB Coordinator
201-624-9800, Ext. 77518
HIB Score
73 out of 78

Spotlight 2

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Hudson School - Welcomes our students back!!

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